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Blood Type O - Inch 3

Blood Type O

Inch 3 - Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol

Type O is more vulnerable to destructive behaviors when overly tired, depressed or bored. These can include gambling, sensation seeking, risk taking, substance abuse and impulsivity. Knowing this, it is important to reduce the temptation as much as possible. Caffeine can be particularly harmful because of its tendency to raise adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are already high for Type O’s. Other harmful affects of caffeine are:

Weight gain: Caffeine in coffee can increase the level of your stress hormone cortisol, and elevated cortisol may cause weight gain.

Low energy: Caffeine stimulates the body’s adrenal system, which boosts energy for a short time but then crashes it to leave you fatigued.

Mineral deficiency: Caffeine affects iron absorption in your stomach. It also reduces your kidneys’ ability to store calcium, zinc, magnesium and other important minerals. 

Disrupted sleep: Caffeine stays in your nervous system for 4–6 hours, so even if you feel fatigued when you go to bed, the caffeine can still disrupt your sleep.

Millimeters - (tips)

H.O.P.E. never recommends HUGE diet changes or cold-turkey quits for any diet adjustment. This is ESPECIALLY true for caffeine and alcohol. Detox and withdrawal symptoms stress the body. A stressed body loses immune function. Follow these tips for a healthy, withdrawal-free adjustment.

1. Explore what it is that you crave in the coffee and see if you can find a healthy replacement. For example, is it the heat? Do you enjoy a hot beverage? Try replacing it with a hot green tea. Do you crave the creaminess? Try replacing it with a smoothie. Are you after the energy? Yerba Mate may be your answer. Yerba Mate

Yerba mate is the good alternative to coffee for those who can't start the day without a cup o' caffeine. Providing the same buzz that coffee gives, Yerba Mate is preferred by many as it's packed with nutrients, too.

Here's some other alternatives for you to explore:

Kombucha Tea

While the benefits of Kombucha are debated, many claim that it is useful for treating memory loss, regulating bowel movements, preventing cancer, helping with high blood pressure, and more.

Coconut Water

Tea and coconut water are two of the healthier drinks on the market growing in popularity the fastest. Coconut water is a clear, milky liquid that comes from green, young coconuts. Coconut water is naturally sweet, contains bioactive enzymes and is chock full of rehydrating electrolytes.

Sparkling Water

While it's not the most exciting beverage in the world, sparkling water can be a refreshing alternative to both coffee and water. 

Hot Apple Cider

In addition to its natural sweetness, because apples are the key ingredient, apple cider offers health benefits not available in coffee.

2. Don't eat a carb heavy lunch. Carbs cause a crash within a few hours and you'll crave that hit from a cup of coffee. Eat a protein packed lunch and the crash won't deter your progress.

3. Researchers have shown that a power nap is more helpful than a cup of coffee. The optimal power nap is a 20 minute siesta taken at about 2.30pm.

4. Break your routine. Often, our food and beverage choices are linked to a habit. If you're struggling to give up your evening glass of wine or your morning cup of coffee, change your routine.  

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